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Clean water and sanitation

Water is the source of life, it’s needed for a variety of things from cooking to cleaning to quenching our thirst!

Did you know?

Over 21 million people worldwide don’t have access to clean water and Pakistan is one of the top 10 countries with the lowest access to sanitary water sources. Another shocking statistic is that ninety-eight percent of the wealthy population has access to clean water in comparison to 80 percent of the poorer communities.


The limitations to accessing clean water can be attributed to the following:

  • A lack of financial aid
  • Political priority
  • A lack of institutions
  • A lack of institutions
  • Location and land tenure
  • Discrimination
  • Disaster and displacement

The above factors play a major role in why so many people do not have quick and easy access to sanitary water. But this is where we step in.

The Edge Foundation has taken on the task to provide safe drinking water to communities by digging wells and installing hand-operated water pumps. This is a cost-efficient solution that provides easy access to fresh water on a small scale.

We’re not just about building new wells and pumps, however, but we also ensure that we keep them well-maintained and in working order at all times. This is because we believe in the longevity of a project and that assistance goes further than a once-off “favour”. To increase the effectiveness of this programme, we also offer training to individuals who can assist with the maintenance of the wells, pumps, and pipes.

By donating to The Edge Foundation, you will help to provide clean and safe drinking water to one of the most impoverished communities in Pakistan.