Strengthening the voice of minorities, women, and children
The Edge Foundation is an organization that not only uplifts and supports communities, but we are also here to be a voice to the voiceless. Silence is often what allows the resounding echo-chamber of misogyny and prejudice to exist. Our children are too weak to be heard, a woman’s words often fall to the ground, and minorities are overpowered by the advances of the rich and powerful.
It’s our goal, however, to amplify the requests of the less fortunate. We believe that everyone deserves an opportunity to be heard and with our resources and our dedication to this project, we can make a difference by communicating needs to establishments who are ready to listen and help. It is also our objective to instil courage and knowledge in the minorities so that they are equipped enough to convey their messages in earnest, instead of remaining oppressed and speechless

Assisting religious minorities
Religious discrimination in Pakistan has been a growing issue for some time. Minority religious groups are often refused jobs, housing, and even loans – all because their religious faith differs from Muslim beliefs. In worst case scenarios, worshippers are often attacked or fall victim to acts of terrorism.
We believe that religious minorities should have the same opportunities and freedom of speech as the larger faith and that acts of discrimination should be punishable offences. Everyone deserves equal opportunities despite their religious beliefs and if communities could work together as one, we could eradicate more dire problems like starvation and the lack of education.